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Veganuary Top Tips

Veganuary has come to an end. We hope you really enjoyed the benefits of trying out veganism this past month, but veganism may still seem a little daunting to you. Who says it has to end there? Plant-based holds so many possibilities for the rest of the year and we think you should explore them!

Embarking on a mission to create a more plant-based lifestyle can be intimidating at first. It requires a level of commitment that takes a little more time and effort when done right. I want to assist you in trying out some methods on how to maintain a plant-based lifestyle beyond Veganuary.



It is easy to find and stay in a single direction when you are in unchartered territory. However, this takes away from the journey’s experience, wouldn’t you say? It is easy to veer in the direction of easy vegan or plant-based meals such as quick meat substitutes or vegan junk food. As awesome as it is that we have these options to add a little something extra to our diets, basing the majority of our dietary consumption on them can lead to an unhealthy plant-based lifestyle (yes, it is possible). One may start feeling sluggish, demotivated, and unenthused by the prospects of going plant-based.

Nature offers an abundance of nutrients. We just have to make the effort to give our bodies the nutrition it needs. But how do we know we are getting the right amount of nutrients in one meal? A little piece of advice: eating the rainbow (with an especially generous serving of greens).

Exercise helps our bodies circulate these nutrients to our organs. They are then converted into essential chemical compounds. Ensure you create an exercise routine each week that works for your body. Drink plenty of water to keep your blood circulating and energising your system.

Balance is essential in extracting the full (and indisputable) benefits of going plant-based. A lifestyle is multi-faceted. It requires several factors to occur holistically.



Make a shopping trip every week to get your essential fresh produce. Make time on the weekend (record or download that TV show for later!) to prep a few meals for the week ahead. Start small and build on those veggie dishes you already enjoy before trying to reinvent the wheel and becoming overwhelmed. A simple fruit salad, nuts, seeds, roast veg, lentils, and leafy greens are great, versatile ingredients to start off with. They are durable, tasty, and satisfying. Veg soup of any kind is a great prep meal and can be frozen for dinners in the coming week.

Planning is a building block of success. It does not guarantee that everything will run smoothly but it surely facilitates the process. Life is a rollercoaster. Factor in a few plant-based healthy alternative snacks into your grocery list for those days when life takes an unpredictable turn. Include family and friends in your meal prep to mitigate the pressure and to hold yourself accountable.

It will take time for your body to adapt to this new lifestyle. Cravings will come and go. Allow yourself a plant-based treat now and then. Your body can signal exactly what it needs at the right time.

Listen to your body with an informed intuition and allow it to nourish itself in the best way. Emotions do factor into a lot of our craving impulses but try not to let them sway your decisions entirely. Think ahead for your future self. Plant-based is not about restriction but a holistic lifestyle that aims to improve not only your health but the wellbeing of the earth and every creature that inhabits it.

Soon you will be excited for meal prep each week!



It is easy to get bowled over by the wave of healthy lifestyle advice the media spews out at an almost inexhaustible rate. When you find yourself second-guessing everything you are doing, every ingredient you are choosing, and coming to the edge of giving up, step away from the clutter and centre yourself. Remember why you have chosen to transition to plant-based. Remember the things that you enjoy about it rather than the diet dogma you have been bombarded with. Remember how you feel when you are eating for your health rather than by rules. Remember the beneficial lifestyle changes you have noticed since you began.

Remember how far you have come and most importantly: Remember what works for you! Who knows your body better than you do?

Speak encouragements to yourself as often as you can. You have no idea how strong you are. Give yourself a chance to find out.



Treat yourself to a variety of plant-based foods from different cooks in your own home and from restaurants that offer these options. In this way, you can discover new recipes, insights, and a community of support you never knew existed!

It is so easy to feel alone in this transition. Maybe you are the only one in your family or your friend group. That does not mean you are the only person in the world on this journey. Thankfully, the variety of plant-based options have grown and so has the community.

Reach out on social media, share your food with your family and friends and you may be surprised by how many people you inspire and encourage.


Exercise your inner cooking flair and have fun with new ingredients and new ways to prepare ‘boring’ ingredients. Who knew avocado could be a delicious chocolatey mousse? Cauliflower is fast becoming one of the most versatile vegetables (from pizza to rice the possibilities are endless!). There are numerous plant-based bloggers with a treasure chest full of exciting recipes for you and your family to try out. BodiCafé invites you to visit our HLC Blog for exciting new recipes too.

Enjoy the journey, your body will thank you!


Autumn Wellness Tips

As the golden days of autumn gleam on the horison, we are no strangers to the annual sniffle and sneeze that comes with changing seasons. A new season does not only mean colder weather, but a completely new cycle for the natural world, human beings included. Environmental factors have a direct impact on our health and if we are to ward off bad elements in our environment we should fortify our bodies with the means to do so.

Autumn is a beautiful but temperamental season, and we want to share a few tips on how to keep you and your family thriving and healthy this autumn.

Get to the Root of It

While we witness the loss of summer’s lush foliage, we must remember that nature’s cycle requires decay before life. Each season yields superfoods essential for optimum nutrition unique to that time of year. The dead foliage of autumn returns to the ground to nourish the soil and feed the roots of the earth. Root vegetables and spices such as ginger, turmeric, garlic, pumpkin, squash and sweet potato are all natural superfoods, with pumpkin serving as a good source of Vitamin A, C and E.

Root vegetables are one of the many plant-based sources of beta-carotene, essential for healthy organs and immunity. As a source of both soluble and insoluble fibre and delicious to boot, we can safely say that root vegetables are a nutrient-packed superfood ideal for the changing seasons. A comforting roast veg oven bake or sweet potato cottage lentil pie are all healthy ideas to spoil your family’s taste buds with this winter.

Kick into gear!

It is so tempting to become a cosy, couch potato as the days get cooler. We know! But your immune system will not thank you for it. You have to shift your body into gear to gear up for the changing environment. A body that is active is operating at its optimal functionality.

Exercise allows the body to secrete unwanted toxins from the blood stream, improves the functionality of the organs (especially essential organs for healthy blood such as the liver, spleen, kidney, lungs and heart) and consequentially builds the immune system.

If our blood is not being circulated and cleaned regularly, we tend to feel sluggish, develop brain fog and create a build-up of toxins that can lead to flu, colds and other typical seasonal illnesses.

The lymphatic system slows down in an inactive body. If you do not enjoy traditional exercise methods, try gardening (rake up those leaves) or evening strolls. In these ways you can enjoy the last of the season’s good weather before the cold of winter whilst getting your blood moving and your heart rate up. Exercise must go hand in hand with a balanced diet and plenty of water. Remember, our bodies are unique and respond to different lifestyles in different ways. Drink enough water, eat appropriately and exercise sufficiently for your body’s needs this autumn!

To keep a consistent exercise schedule, it is recommended that you take advantage of earlier hours. Early morning exercise allows you to energize your body for the day and gives you more free time in the evening to settle in and relax. You also avoid the risk of getting sick by staying indoors in the cold evening weather.


Autumn is a season in which nature is preparing to rest for the winter ahead. The falling leaves indicate nature becoming inert to preserve their seedlings and recuperate during the winter.

We should take a page out of nature’s book in this regard. We are constantly busy and it takes its toll on us mentally, physically and emotionally. As the days get shorter we should adjust our sleep schedules accordingly. We should wind down our days as the sun goes down. As far as possible, try not to cram too much into your day, prioritise that which is important and schedule anything else for the next day. Spoil yourself with quality sleep during this change of season.

We hope these few tips will help you and your family stay healthy and happy this autumn. Enjoy the balmy afternoons and crisp mornings, and take time to embrace the joys and wonders of nature’s changing colours. Most importantly, take time to be mindful of the earth and how it nourishes us as we take care of it.

Happy Autumn!


Root Veg Bake Recipe


Health Note:

As the days get cooler, we all need something comforting and wholesome to keep us warm from the inside out. Lets put a healthy spin on comfort food to boost our immunity for the coming winter months. The real star of the show when it comes to choosing unrefined carbohydrates is…Fibre! This recipe has been crafted to tick off all the boxes: high-fibre, hearty, comforting goodness all-in-one! Root vegetables, our main ingredients for this recipe, are one of the most nutrient dense veggies nature has to offer. Root veg are good sources of both soluble and insoluble fibre. Fibre is essential to gut health. It also lowers high blood cholesterol levels and stabilises blood sugar.

Who said comfort food has to be unhealthy?

You Will Need:

1. 400g Woolworths frozen puff pastry roll
2. Cooking oil
3. Whole-wheat flour


1. 2x cans of coconut milk
2. 500g diced butternut
3. 500g diced sweet potato
4. 4 cups spinach
5. 2 cups brown onion
6. 2 cups diced carrots
7. 2 cups red/green bell pepper
8. 2 cups cashew cream (soak and blend)
9. 1 cup rosemary
10. 1 cup mushrooms
11. 2 tablespoons crushed garlic
12. 1 tablespoon ginger powder
13. 1 tablespoon onion powder
14. 1 tablespoon cayenne pepper
15. 1 tablespoon cumin powder
16. 1/2 tablespoon tomato paste
16. 1/4 teaspoon salt (optional)
17. Cooking oil

Garnishing (optional):
1. 1/2 cup fresh basil
2. 1/2 cup fresh coriander


1. Preheat oven to 200°C.
2. Soak cashew nuts overnight or for 1 hour in boiling water. Blend in a food processor until smooth. Decant into a glass jar.
3. Remove puff pastry from freezer and allow to come to room temperature. Once thawed, remove from packaging and unroll. Cover the dough with wax/baking paper and a damp tea towel. Do not allow to dry out.
3. Boil/steam sweet potato and butternut in 2 cups of water until semi soft. Allow to drain well.
2. Heat oil in a large pan/pot.
3. Add the onion, carrots, peppers and mushrooms. Once onions are glassy, add tomato paste, garlic and spices and allow to simmer for five minutes. Fry until ingredients are slightly caramelised.
4. Add the rest of your veg and toss well continuously on medium heat for five minutes. Add a dash of water and cashew cream and continue to toss for two minutes. Allow to simmer on low heat.
5. On a lightly floured surface drizzle oil and lay out puff pastry. Roll out to fit desired baking/ casserole dish. Do not roll too thin. Grease baking dish with olive oil and arrange dough evenly.
6. Bake dough at 200°C for ten minutes until golden brown. Remove.
7. Add the cooked veg to the baked pastry dish. Pour in coconut milk and rosemary and gently fold into the ingredients.
7. Allow to bake at 180°C for 15 minutes.
8. Garnish with coriander and basil. Enjoy!


Soya Chunks Curry Recipe

-Sometimes you just need a warm bowl of comfort food!

Prep time: +-10 min

Cooking time: +-35 min

Serves: 3 – 4

Step 1

  1. Rehydrate Soya Chunks
  2. 2 cups (250ml each) soya chunks
  3. 2 cups boiling water
  4. Place chunks into a small pot, add boiling water and bring to a boil on medium heat for 10 min/ until soft.
  5. Place hydrated chunks into a colander and rinse under running water, set a side.

Step 2

  1. Curry Sauce
  2. 1 medium-sized onion
  3. 2 medium-sized tomatoes
  4. 3 tbsp garlic powder
  5. 2 tbsp ginger powder
  6. 2 ½ tbsp vegetable stock ( Optional)
  7. 2 tsp cumin seeds/ cumin powder
  8. 2 tsp cayenne pepper
  9. 2 tsp turmeric powder
  10. 2 tsp brown sugar (Optional)
  11. 1 tsp Himalayan salt
  12. 1 tbsp apple cider vinegar
  13. 3 tbsp olive oil


  1. Pour oil into a medium-sized pot and heat up on medium heat.
  2. Place all ingredients (except for the oil) into a blender; blend until well incorporated.
  3. Add mixture to the heated oil. Add 1 cup water to the emptied blender, blend and pour into the pot. Stir to incorporate mixtures.
  4. Allow the curry sauce to simmer on medium heat for 15 min then add the hydrated soya chunks. Mix well.
  5. Allow curry to simmer on low heat for 20 min. Add additional desired seasonings, if necessary.
  6. Serve with rice / flat bread and a fresh salad.

Raw Fudgy Cereal Bars Recipe


Health Note:

Our fast-paced lifestyles make breakfast an on-the-go activity more often than not. Whilst this is not an ideal eating experience, it need not be an unhealthy one either. Preparation is key in cramming a healthy diet into a busy schedule. This recipe provides a fun-to-prep and versatile solution to a quick and nutritious first meal of the day.

Raw Fudgy Cereal Bars are entirely plant-based and wholesome, allowing for unique adaptations according to your pallet and dietary needs.

Our cereal bars incorporate ingredients that provide satiety, energy and an all round ‘yum’ factor!

You Will Need:


  1. 1 cup soaked dates (pitted)
  2. 1/4 cup goji berries
  3. 1/2 cup peanut butter (if unsalted, add a healthy pinch sea salt)
  4. 1/4 cup pumpkin seeds
  5. 3/4 cup raw nuts (such as pecans or almonds)
  6. 1 1/2 cups rolled oats
  7. 1 1/2 cups Anytime Cereal Crunch
  8. 2 tbsp. cinnamon
  9. 2 tbsp. cacao powder


  1. Soak dates for ten minutes in boiling water. Drain and place in food processor/blender.
  2. Blend dates until a smooth paste forms and only small pieces remain.
    Transfer date paste to a mixing bowl. Chop nuts into smaller pieces or desirable size and add to bowl. Add all additional dry ingredients. Mix through thoroughly. Ensure ingredients are evenly distributed throughout so no clumping occurs.
  3. Pour peanut butter into the mixing bowl and coat well with the rest of the ingredients.
  4. Line a semi-shallow baking tray with parchment paper. Add mixture to tray and spread evenly throughout forming a flat even surface. The deeper your baking tray the thicker your bars will come out. Adjust according to desired thickness*.
  5. Cover with a piece of cling wrap and place in the freezer for 15 minutes or overnight to harden. Remove from the freezer and slice into bars*.
  6. Store in an airtight container in the freezer or fridge to maintain shape and freshness. Grab and go with your delicious new snack.

The deeper the baking tray the fewer bars can be sliced from a mixture with the quantities provided. Adjust quantities according to desired batch size.


Adapted from The Minimalist Baker’s Recipe for Chocolate Chip Almond Butter Granola Bars


Choc-full Omega Cookies Recipe


Health Note:

Omega 3 fatty acids have been deemed ‘essential’ for good reason! Omega 3s provide the body with long chain fatty acids which are essential for proper brain functioning. These long chain fatty acids are absorbed by the blood brain barrier and used for structural and synthesised neuron signaling in the brain.

Omega 3s are one of the best sources of brain food! Flax seeds are one of the most potent plant-based sources of Omega 3 fatty acids.

Try out our recipe to incorporate more flax seeds into your diet today!

You Will Need:


  1. 1 flax ‘egg’ (1 Tbsp (7 g) flax seed meal + 2 ½ Tbsp (37 ml) water)
  2. 1 medium ripe banana (1 medium banana equals ~118 g unpeeled)
  3. 1/3 cup almond butter
  4. 1 Tbsp flax oil or olive/seed oil you have available
  5. 3 Tbsp brown sugar
  6. 1 tsp vanilla extract
  7. 1/2 tsp baking soda
  8. 1/2 tsp baking powder
  9. 1 pinch Himalayan /sea salt
  10. 1/3 cup rice flour
  11. 3/4 cup gluten-free baking flour
  12. 1/3 cup roughly chopped vegan dark chocolate or chocolate chips*
  13. 1/3 scant cup of cocoa powder (reduce or increase as desired)


  1. Preheat oven to 180°C.
  2. Prepare flax egg. Combine flax seeds and water in a medium mixing bowl. Stir well. Allow to sit for a few minutes to thicken.
  3. Once thickened add banana and mash well with flax egg. Add almond butter, flax oil, brown sugar, vanilla essence, baking powder, baking soda and salt and mix thoroughly to combine.
  4. Add gluten-free flour, rice flour and cocoa powder and mix to combine all ingredients into a semi-thick dough. If too thick, add some water. If too runny, add more rice flour. Refrigerate dough for 15 minutes to harden.
  5. Roll cookie dough on a flour dusted surface into a cylindrical shape. Use a sharp knife to cut the dough into slices. Roll each slice in your palms into a small ball. Flatten each slice in the center with your thumb into a rounded cookie shape.
  6. Lastly, line a baking tray with parchment paper and lay out each cookie. Cookies will only expand slightly.
  7. Allow the cookies to bake for 20 minutes until light brown. Set out on a cooling rack and…


Adapted from The Minimalist Baker’s Recipe for Fluffy 1-Bowl Banana Chocolate Chip Cookies


Beetroot Ombré Waffles Recipe


You Will Need:


  1. 1 batch chia ‘egg’ (1 Tbsp (7 g) chia seed meal + 2 ½ Tbsp (37 ml)
  2. 2 medium-size ripe bananas
  3. 2 ½ tsp baking powder
  4. 1 ½ Tbsp olive oil
  5. 1 cup dairy-free milk (we used unsweetened almond milk)
  6. 1/4 tsp sea salt
  7. 1/4 cup gluten-free rolled oats
  8. 1 cup gluten-free flour blend
  9. 1/4 cup dairy-free dark or semi-sweet chocolate chips
  10. 1 small beetroot, peeled and boiled


  1. Prepare chia egg. Combine chia seeds and water in a medium mixing bowl. Stir well to distribute seeds throughout the solution. Allow to sit for a few minutes to thicken.
  2. In a separate mixing bowl, mash beetroot until a semi-smooth mixture forms.
  3. Add peeled bananas and baking powder to thickened chia ‘egg’ and mash together well with a fork until small chunks remain.
  4. Add oil to mixture and whisk to combine. Once combined, add dairy-free milk and stir to combine. Add salt and oats and mix well. Add gluten-free flour and mix until a good dough consistency forms. Batter should be thick but pourable (not runny). Soft peaks should form when you dip a spoon into the batter. If too thin, add gluten-free flour and stir through. If too thick, add dairy-free milk and stir through.
  5. Lastly, add chocolate chips and stir until well distributed.
  6. Allow the batter to rest for 5 minutes. Preheat waffle iron and grease with olive oil.
  7. Add 1 cup of batter to waffle iron and cook for duration specified by iron’s instructions.
  8. Add a gradually increasing amount of mashed beetroot to each cup of batter added to iron to create an ombré colour effect.
  9. Remove waffles from iron with a fork and set aside to cool separately to avoid waffles becoming soggy.
  10. Serve with maple syrup or your choice of vegan yoghurt and assorted berries and fruit.


Adapted from The Minimalist Baker’s Recipe for 1-Bowl Chocolate Chip Banana Bread Waffles.


Mediterranean Mezze Hummus Recipe


You Will Need:


  1. 2 1/2 cups pre-soaked chickpeas

  2. 4 tbs olive oil

  3. Salt to taste

  4. 1 tbs lemon juice (more or less if needed)

  5. 2 tbs freshly crushed garlic

  6. 2 tbs water (more if needed)

  7. 1 1/2 tsp cumin powder


  1. Drain and rinse chickpeas

  2. Place all ingredients into a blender and blend until smooth. Add more water, salt or olive oil to adjust taste and consistency

  3. Enjoy on toast with cayenne pepper, spring onion and sliced tomato

  4. Store in an airtight container in the fridge, use within one week



Tropical Smoothie Bowl with Candied Walnuts Recipe


You’ll Need:


  1. 4 tbsp sesame seeds

  2. 4 tbsp cashew nuts

  3. 4 tbsp walnuts

  4. 1.5g chicory powder(optional)

  5. *Generous drizzle of syrup sweetener (optional)

Main ingredients:

  1. ½ cup chopped pineapple

  2. 1 cup dragon fruit

  3. 1 cup mixed frozen berries

  4. 1 ½ cup almond milk (unsweetened)

  5. 3 frozen bananas, chopped



Roasted nuts and seeds:

Maple syrup and chicory candied walnuts

In a small bowl mix walnuts with maple syrup and chicory until well coated. Loosely separate and spread onto baking tray with other nuts and seeds

*Add or reduce syrup sweetener according to preference.

  1. Arrange nuts and seeds on a clean baking tray

  2. Place in the oven and allow to dry roast at 180°C for 8-12 min

  3. Remove from oven after 5 minutes. Stir so that nuts on the outer edge are moved inward and nuts in the middle are moved outward. Take caution as nuts may be hot.

  4. If you have chosen to candy your walnuts remove them from the baking sheet and set aside. If not return sesame seeds, cashews and walnuts to oven to continue roasting.

  5. Check again after 3-6 minutes. Nuts and seeds should have a darker brown colour and nutty aroma when ready. Remove from oven and allow to cool.

Smoothie Bowl:

  1. Allow fruit to thaw slightly.

  2. Pour 1/2 cup of the almond milk into a high-speed blender.

  3. Place pineapple, dragon-fruit and banana into blender. Pulse for a few seconds.

  4. Add the remaining 1 cup of the almond milk and pulse again. With a spoon , move mix around the blender to ensure that all ingredients are well-blended.

  5. Lastly, add berries and pulse until smooth.

  6. Pour smoothie into a bowl. Arrange nuts, seeds and desired toppings.

  7. Enjoy a hearty bowl of goodness!


Combating Cabin Fever with Fitness

Restlessness, tensions rising, irritability ….

Sound familiar? Lock-down restrictions have most of us cooped up at home with a serious bout of cabin fever. With the disruption of our daily routines , it can be difficult to restructure our schedules and adjust to the new ‘normal’.

One of the best ways to overcome cabin fever is by exercising.

Here are a few tips on how to keep your mind and body refreshed by engaging in fitness activities during the lock-down.

Exercise Outdoors

Our workout routines may be restricted but hope is not lost. The South African Government has allowed for 3 hours of exercise a day ( between 06:00 am – 09:00 am). Make the most of the fresh outdoors and go for daily jogs or walks.

The physical and mental effects of outdoor activity have numerous therapeutic benefits on the body:

  • Physical and emotional stress relief

  • Deeper breathing to help improve brain function (an increase in serotonin levels also helps to improve the memory)

  • Exposure to sunlight: vitamin D assists in boosting the immune system, strengthening the bones and lowering blood pressure

If possible, ensure that your exercise activities take place outdoors. Even though you may be working from home, your mind is still constantly stimulated by conference calls, work projects etc. The body remains inactive and this can lead to a build-up of physical and mental tension.

You may begin to experience feelings of anxiety, restlessness and irritability .

For at least an hour a day, unplug from your devices and screens and focus your mind on the organic, grounding sights and sounds of the outdoors. Natural surroundings assist the mind in releasing tension and stress.

Exercise for the Family

Younger children are naturally active and require physical activity for their physical and mental development .

Parents may have relied on extra-mural sport activities to help keep their kids active. So now what?

Step one is to make exercising a fun, family activity. Some kids may prefer to stay glued to their television or device screens, so they may need a little convincing that physical activity can be fun. Introduce relay races, obstacle courses and any other activity that will have the kids excited to participate.

Assist younger children to avoid overexertion/ injury but above all, ensure you are having fun as a family. Family members who are unable to participate in the actual routine may serve as ‘cheerleaders’ or umpires during family races . There is a part each member can play when it comes to family exercise.

Motivating any good habit into action is a team effort . The excess time that you now have as a family allows for more quality time to be spent together. Instead of getting on one another’s nerves during lock-down, get moving!

Exercise indoors

Most city dwellers do not have the luxury of space to exercise outdoors in their yards. Thanks to the digital world, we have at-home workout routines available at the click of a button. There are numerous YouTube fitness gurus who can help turn your living room into a personal pilates class!

It’s not easy to maintain a positive outlook given the current world crisis. You may be feeling overwhelmed and anxious. Mental stress can manifest itself in the form of physical ailments. We encourage you to do your bit by staying active, maintaining healthy habits and most importantly, staying positive!


  1. Mental Floss.2020.11 Scientific Reasons Why Being in Nature is Relaxing.[Online].[22 May 2020].Available from:

  2. Adventure Together.2020.Https://adventuretogethercom/8-surprising-reasons-why-nature-is-the-best-medicine/.[Online].[22 May 2020].Available from:

  3. Conde, Y.2020.How to Make Sure Your Kids Are Getting Exercise During the Lockdown.[Online].[22 May 2020].Available from:

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