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Spring Is In The Air…Aaachoo!

Oh Spring , the beauty of this season just had to be tainted by our dreaded seasonal allergies. While the warmer weather starts settling in, the flowers and trees are beautifully budding; cue the relentless sneezing fits and itchy eyes to ruin the moment. We’ve just made it through 3 months of cold , have we not suffered enough??

This Spring we take charge of our seasonal allergies , no more walking about in fear of another sneezing fit or having eye drops on call. We’ve got a few lifestyle tips and tricks up our sleeve to help keep you sneeze-free this Spring:

Apple Cider Vinegar

Apple Cider Vinegar has become a lifestyle favourite over the years. Its benefits include assisting with weight loss; improving certain skin conditions and even assisting to lower high blood pressure. While ACV does not contain antihistamine properties , it does help by clearing out the mucus of a stuffy nose, helping you to breathe a little easier. Drink 1-2 cap-fulls of ACV in warm water, once or twice a day to help with mucus de-congestion.

Keep hydrated

Pollen, dust and other allergy-causing particles need to be flushed out of your body, so be sure to drink your daily dose of 8-10 glasses of water. Water keeps your system hydrated and ready to get rid of any foreign particles. Water also helps to keep your immune system in check as it fights off the foreign particles in the body.


Ingesting honey, which comes from pollen, may help your system to develop an immunity to pollen and its allergy-causing properties. Start with a tablespoon a day , eaten as is or mixed into a warm mug of lemon water.

Stinging Nettle tea

Stinging Nettle provides a natural remedy for seasonal allergies and hay fever. This herbal tea helps to inhibit histamine production in the body, thus reducing the reactionary symptoms, such as sneezing or itchy eyes, that occur when you come into contact with an allergen (pollen, dust etc.).

With these lifestyle tips we hope to have equipped you to smell the roses this Spring without a sniffle or a sneeze!


  1. American College of Allergy, Asthma & Immunology. 2019. Will honey relieve my seasonal allergies? [Online]. [3 September 2019]. Available from:

  2. Pfuetze, B.L. 2019. How can drinking water help my seasonal allergies? [Online]. [3 September 2019]. Available from:

  3. Sengupta, S. 2018. 19 Effective Home Remedies To Get Rid Of A Stuffy Nose. [Online]. [3 September 2019]. Available from:

  4. Wilson, D.R. 2019. What are the benefits and uses of stinging nettle?. [Online]. [3 September 2019]. Available from:


Homemade Rustic Fries with Guacamole Recipe

You Will Need


  • 6-8 boiled potatoes (in jackets; semi hard boiled)

  • 3 Tbs nutritional yeast

  • 1 Tbs BodiCafé Garlic Powder

  • 1 Tbs BodiCafé Parsley

  • 1/2 tsp BodiCafé Cayenne Pepper

  • 1 Tbs BodiCafé Himalayan Salt (fine)

  • Olive oil (enough to coat potatoes)


  • 2 large avocados

  • 2 large garlic cloves

  • 1/2 red onion

  • Lemon juice

  • 1/2 cup fresh peas

  • 1/2 tsp BodiCafé Cayenne Pepper

  • 2 tsp BodiCafé Garlic Powder

  • 1+1/2 tsp BodiCafé Himalayan Salt (fine)



  1. Cut potatoes into wedges

  2. Place into a large baking pan

  3. Drizzle olive oil over potatoes

  4. In a small mixing bowl mix all spices + herbs

  5. Coat potatoes with spice/herb mix

  6. Place into oven and bake until crispy

  7. Remove from tray

  8. Sprinkle with salt, if needed


  1. Place all ingredients into a blender

  2. Blend until smooth

  3. Serve with fries

  4. Store leftover guacamole in an air-tight container, refrigerate


Egg-free, Rustic Pancakes Recipe


Prep time: 10 min

Cooking time: 20 min

Allergens: Gluten (oats)

Recipe adapted from original recipe by Minimalist Baker:


  • 1 batch *flax egg (1 Tbsp flax seed meal + 2 ½ Tbs water (BodiCafé Flax Seeds)

  • 2 medium-size over-ripe bananas

  • 2 ½ tsp baking powder

  • 1 ½ Tbsp olive oil

  • 1 cup dairy-free milk (almond; soy; oat)

  • 1/4 tsp sea salt (fine)

  • 1/4 cup BodiCafé Rolled Oats

  • 1 cup gluten-free flour blend

Equipment and other

  • Medium-sized mixing bowl

  • Cooking spray

  • Large frying pan

  • Egg turner

  • Seeds and dried goji berries (optional)

  • Maple syrup (optional)

*blend flaxseeds until fine i.e. flour texture


  1. Flax egg: combine flaxseed & water in a medium mixing bowl, mix. Leave to allow mix to gel

  2. Once thickened, add bananas & baking powder; mash with a fork & add oil; whisk to combine ingredients.

  3. Add milk & stir until combined

  4. Stir in salt & oats; add flour & stir until combined

  5. Batter should be sticky but pourable -add more flour/milk to thicken or thin out mix

  6. Spray pan & heat on high heat

  7. Once heated, lower heat; with a soup ladle, scoop & pour batter onto pan

  8. When batter starts browning around the edges & forms holes, flip with the egg turner

  9. Continue until batter is all used up

  10. Add seeds, berries and syrup for flavour


Stress: a modern-day matter

Stress has become a norm in our modern, rushed lifestyles. If we’re not stressing , we’re thinking of things to be stressed out about. As common as it is , too much stress can be harmful. Research reveals that stress has been linked to a number of mental and physical conditions, including: depression, anxiety, eating disorders and high blood pressure.

While stress usually affects adults it has, unfortunately, managed to affect children and teens as well. Modern kids face numerous stressors such as: academic success, peer relationships, dealing with family issues and finding their identities as they deal with the mental and physical changes that come with puberty. So how do we guard ourselves, and more importantly, our kids from the very real effects of stress? Here are a few tips on how to manage stress for you and your family:

  • Time management

-Nothing aggravates a stressful day like procrastination and lack of time management. Procrastination will trick you into believing that there’s enough time , until there isn’t. Hence the importance of managing your time so that you’re not a strung out mess by the end of the day. At the end of each day, draw up a to-do-list for the next day; allocate a set amount of time for each activity on the list . These activities should include exercise and family time. Parents can assist younger children with an after-school to-do-list; it’s never too early to learn time management!

Teens writing exams can set up a study timetable that allocates a certain amount of study time for each subject. Be sure to include time for breaks and exercise.

  • Recreational activities

-Stress can cause: tension in the neck and shoulders and stress migraines. That’s why it’s important to get up, get out and MOVE! Exercise does wonders to relieve stress-related tension. A 30-45 min walk out in nature , a session of pilates or a morning swim will have you feeling refreshed and ready to face the day! Exercise’s stress-relieving benefits include: providing a boost of endorphins (happy hormones) and of course a giving you a much-needed surge of energy.

  • Diet

-Stress causes your hormone production to go a little crazy . A balanced diet that includes fresh fruits and vegetables(Vit C) and whole-grains will help to balance hormone production and assist in lowering your blood pressure. Avoid: coffee, fatty, sugary or salty foods and snacks and alcohol. Enjoy salads that include lots of leafy greens (magnesium), nuts and seeds (B vitamins) and legumes (proteins).

  • Get professional help

-If stress is causing you or a family to have anxiety/panic attacks or feelings of a loss of control, then it is advisable to seek professional assistance. There is no shame in getting help especially when mental health is concerned.

Stress: there’s the good kind that gets you up and ready for work/school in the mornings and then there’s the bad kind that leaves you feeling anxious. It is important manage your stress so that it does not have a hold on your mental well-being. Remember that you only have this life to live, so make the most of it!


  1. Mayo Clinic Staff. 2018. Exercise and stress: Get moving to manage stress. [Online]. [20 July 2019]. Available from:

  2. Lewin, J. 2019. Stress relief: How diet and lifestyle can help. [Online]. [19 July 2019]. Available from:


Malt Extract: An Age-Old Super-Food

Malt extract, a derivative of the barley grain, has been used for centuries as a rich source of vitamins and minerals. This inexpensive super-food has been a household favourite to boost immune systems.

You may be wondering, well isn’t malt the stuff they use for brewing? You’re right! However barley, the grain, is only suitable for brewing once it has sprouted or malted. The liquid malt-extract-making process is one that consists of malted barley, water and high temperatures to make the thick, golden , nutrient-filled liquid.

Here are some of the great health benefits of this liquid supplement:

  1. Bone Strength: Malt extract is enriched with vitamin D which is crucial to bone health. Its mineral content of: magnesium, iron, phosphorus and calcium, is vital for strengthening bones.

  2. Enriches Blood: Iron is an essential mineral in maintaining the body’s blood system. The concentration of iron in malt extract renders it a beneficial source for blood support.

  3. Skin and Vision: Vitamin B-2 (riboflavin), found in malt extract, assists with maintaining healthy skin and good vision.

  4. High in antioxidants: according to research, malt extract is packed with more antioxidants than most sugars (including white sugar and corn syrup). Antioxidants are needed by the body to eradicate cell-destroying agents in the body.

  5. Energy Booster: Malt extract has a high vitamin B content, which stimulates energy levels. These B-vitamins assist in providing the body with satiety and sustained energy.

Malt extract presents a variety of health and immunity-boosting properties. Moderation is key when it comes to this food supplement, given its high caloric content. Malt is best used as a ‘once in a while’ energy booster or sweetener. Remember, all things in moderation for a truly holistic health experience.








  • 12 medium tomatoes (quartered)

  • 1 medium-large onion(quartered)

  • 8 large garlic cloves (halved)

  • 1 tsp BodiCafé Parsley

  • 1 tsp BodiCafé Fennel Seeds

  • 1 tsp BodiCafé Thyme

  • 1 tsp BodiCafé Cayenne Pepper

  • 2 tsp BodiCafé Paprika

  • 1 tsp BodiCafé Coriander Powder

  • 1 tsp BodiCafé Cumin Powder

  • 3 cups boiling water

  • 2 tsp salt

  • 4 tbs olive oil

  • 2 tbs vegetable broth powder

  • 1/2 cup BodiCafé Quinoa


  • 1 large baking pan

  • 1 medium-sized sauce pan

  • 1 medium-sized baking bowl

  • Blender


  1. In a large baking pan add: tomato, onion, garlic cloves, seasonings, herbs( no broth powder) & olive oil

  2. Coat vegetables in the oil and seasoning/herb mix

  3. Grill for 15-20 min at 180 °C

  4. Remove from oven pan and place into bowl ; allow to cool for 10 min

  5. Once ingredients have cooled, add spoonful by spoonful of the mix into the blender

  6. Blend until smooth

  7. On low-med heat, add blended mix to saucepan with water

  8. Add quinoa

  9. Bring to boil; add broth powder

  10. Allow to simmer for 20-30 min or until quinoa is translucent

  11. Enjoy with whole-grain bread or as is




  1. 7 x 250 ml BodiCafé Energy Oats

  2. 250 ml BodiCafé Wheat Germ

  3. 250 ml brown bread flour

  4. 3 x 250 ml desiccated coconut

  5. 60 ml BodiCafé Sesame Seeds

  6. 250 ml BodiCafé Sunflower Seeds

  7. 1 ½ tsp salt

  8. 1 ½ tbsp maple syrup

  9. 15 ml vanilla essence

  10. 125 ml BodiCafé Honey/250 ml brown sugar

  11. 60 ml water

  12. 125 ml BodiCafé Coconut Oil


  1. Mix dry and wet ingredients separately

  2. Pour wet mix onto dry mix; mix well until mixture is coated and clumpy

  3. Spread mixture onto a dry baking sheet

  4. Bake at 70°C until crispy or golden brown

  5. Remove from oven; allow to cool

  6. Store in an air-tight container

  7. Add seeds and dried fruit of your choice

  8. Enjoy with hot or cold milk



Winter prep can be fun, colder weather doesn’t have to mean dreary weather! Who doesn’t enjoy the smell of soup on the stove or snuggling up in a thick blanket with a steaming cup of tea? Sounds like winter time bliss!

Now is the time to gear up for the colder months. Colder weather means your body will be working overtime to keep you warm, thus your immune system will become vulnerable to colds and flu. So, if you’re planning on keeping the sniffles at bay this winter, be sure to read on:

  • Vitamin C

Oranges, lemons and apples are all packed with Vitamin C, an essential immune-boosting vitamin that will keep you ready to face even the harshest of cold and flu seasons! Be sure to stock up on oranges this winter and pack a few slices for lunch or a midday snack.

Winter Pro Tip: Boil water, add a squeeze of lemon and fresh, grated ginger with a teaspoon of raw honey, drink twice daily. Your immune system will thank you.

  • Keep Hydrated

When the cooler weather starts settling in, it may be a bit difficult to keep track of your water intake as we opt for warm beverages like tea and coffee over drinking water. Nevertheless, your body needs to keep hydrated to flush out toxins , to regulate your body temperature and of course, to keep your immune system in check.

Winter Pro Tip: Opt for warm or room temperature water in a flask (instead of ice cold water) to drink throughout the day. Also, begin and end each day with a warm mug of water. That’s two glasses, out of eight, down!

  • Soup, glorious soup!

Is there anything more glorious than a thick, vegetable-packed mug of soup? Highly doubt there is. A pot of soup’s greatest feature is the amount veggies and herbs(that are no doubt great for your tummy and your immune system) that can can be plopped right in with all the other delicious ingredients. Winter time means bouts of overeating as your body is using up a lot of energy ( that it gets from the food you eat) to keep you warm and to keep you flu-free.

Winter Pro Tip: Instead of snacking on junk food when you’re feeling peckish, why not do some food prep over the weekend and make a large pot of hearty vegetable soup that can be stored in the freezer and warmed up through out the week. The soup will keep you warm, healthy and satisfied!

Winter time can be a fun and refreshing season if you’re proactive rather than reactive when it comes to dealing with colds and flu. With just a few helpful tips and lifestyle adjustments you can learn to enjoy the cold without the coughs and sniffles!

-To Healthy & Happy Living!


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