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Winter Wellness – The Natural Way

At BodiCafé we believe natural is best and when it comes to winter wellness there is no exception. Natural means of fortification are the gentlest way to strengthen our immunity without complicated and often harmful side effects.

Our bodies respond best to gentle forms of healing and natural supplementation to build strong minds and bodies.

This is why BodiCafé has proudly partnered with SA’s 100% natural root veg juice Rugani Juice! BodiCafé has proudly introduced SA’s favorite Root Juice to our online store just when we need it most!

South African winter can be harsh so we would like to offer our valued customers a range of natural fortification available to families (young and old!) nationwide against the harsh elements this winter.

The Rugani Juice range offers an assortment of healthy beverage alternatives (crafted with the utmost integrity) that are:

  • High in beta-carotene
  • Has no added sugar or water
  • Preservative-free &
  • Not from concentrate

With Rugani Juice’s state-of-the-art processing plant, this product allows you to enjoy the best nature has to offer today by ensuring:

  • Pure vegetable juice extraction &
  • Maximum nutritional yield

BodiCafé online store now stocks Rugani’s complete variety of juice flavours, catering to your unique tastes & health requirements:

Rugani Carrot Juice

Harvested at sunrise, juiced, and bottled by sunset, Rugani 100% Carrot Juice is the mother of the range.

Carrots contain a powerful source of nutrients that are difficult to access because of their tough cellular structures.

Rugani’s ultra-unique juicing method ruptures and extracts the nutrients and intrinsic life force that root veg, especially carrots, hold within their tough exterior.

These structures, especially beta-carotene, may assist in:

  • Improving vision
  • Reducing the risk of cancer
  • Reducing the risk of cardiovascular disease

Rugani ABC Juice 

An age-old blend, Rugani 100% ABC Juice is made from FRESH apples, beetroots, and carrots. With more veggies than fruit, this juice is sealed away in adventurous packaging for young explorers to enjoy!

With exam season well underway there is no better way to keep young minds and bodies fueled and fortified than with a 100% natural veg and fruit juice! Conveniently packed in 330ml with a straw for lunch-boxes.

Carrots, apples, and beetroot are great superfoods that may assist with:

  • Boosting your kid’s immunity against catching colds and flu this winter
  • Supporting their cognitive function and concentration
  • Providing sustained energy for studies and extracurriculars

Rugani Apple Juice 

Everyone loves refreshing apple juice and Rugani’s 100% Cloudy Apple Juice is the stuff of dreams! 100% natural and made from in-season apples, it really doesn’t get any better.

Apples may be an ordinary fruit but their health properties certainly are extraordinary!

Apples naturally assist the body in cleansing and boosting liver function which may assist with:

  • Lowering cholesterol
  • Proper nutrient absorption
  • Reducing symptoms of allergic conditions
  • Antioxidant protection against free radical damage

Rugani Beetroot Juice 

Energy boost the natural way – Rugani’s 100% Beetroot Juice is a convenient addition to an active lifestyle for a clean, natural, and 100% effective energy boost to perform at your BEST.

Beetroot, the heart of the soil, is filled with nutrients that may help protect against:

  • Chronic inflammation
  • Hypertension
  • Iron deficiencies

Studies have shown that athletes who consume Beetroot Juice have:

  • Improved athletic endurance
  • Improved menstrual health
  • Boosted cognitive signaling

Rugani Carrot & Ginger Juice 


Build immunity for the brrr… of winter – Rugani 100% Carrot & Ginger Juice is a great tasting immune boost for the whole family this winter.

Carrots and ginger are filled with anti-inflammatory nutrients that may help protect against:

  • Bad microbes
  • Joint and muscle pain
  • Colds & flu
  • Poor eyesight

Rugani Carrot & Turmeric Juice


Fight inflammation naturally – This juice is a convenient addition to a healthy lifestyle for a clean, natural, and 100% effective immune boost to remain in the best health this winter.

Carrot and turmeric are filled with anti-inflammatory nutrients that may help protect against:

  • Pain associated with chronic inflammation
  • Joint and muscle pain
  • Colds & flu

Rugani Green Juice

The most popular of the range, this juice is truly Green Gold.

Rugani 100% Green Juice is a wonderful blend of FRESH superfood ingredients:

  • Cucumber
  • Pineapple
  • Celery
  • Ginger
  • Moringa

These ingredients are known for their hydrating, anti-inflammatory, immunity–boosting, and nutritional properties.

Rugani Romanita Tomato Juice

The taste and nutrition of FRESH tomatoes are truly captured in the Ruagnai Romanita Tomato Juice made from real fresh ZZ2 Romanita Tomatoes.

Tomatoes are known for their:

  • Cancer risk reduction properties
  • Assisting with rapid skin cell replacement
  • Lowering high blood pressure

Rugani Carrot Pineapple Juice

Carrot and Pineapple are the perfect combinations for a refreshingly immunising winter juice!

Rich in beta-carotene and Vitamin C this juice will help to keep the blues, touches of flu, and colds at bay all season long!

Carrots and Pineapple may naturally assist in:

  • Reducing the risk of certain chronic diseases
  • Providing powerful immunity-boosting properties

Also available in plain 100% natural Pineapple Juice

At BodiCafé the love of wellness and making it accessible to ALL is what drives us. It is why we do what we do.

BodiCafé aims to provide simple yet healthy lifestyle products, along with sharing informative lifestyle advice to demonstrate just how simple and exciting a healthy lifestyle can be.

Rugani Juice is no exception! Now that you know a little more, we are so excited for you to enjoy the awesome benefits the range offers.

Because we believe that everybody deserves to love living LIFE.
Happy Winter!



Autumn Wellness Guide

A new season does not only mean colder weather, but a completely new cycle for the natural world, human beings included. Autumn is often perceived as the season of fading life and the eventual death of the natural world for winter.

This Autumn BodiCafé chooses to celebrate the love of LIFE. And how better to truly love your life than to love and treat your body well?
Environmental factors have a direct impact on our health and if we are to ward off bad elements in our environment, we should fortify our bodies with the means to do so.

For the month of March, we want to share a few tips on how to build and sustain wellness through the colder seasons whilst loving a healthy lifestyle.

1. Less Consumption, More Nourishment…
We are often told that food is simply fuel for the body. If that were entirely true then we could equate a human being to a vehicle. Just put the right fuel in and it’s good to go! Right? Wrong!
HOW and WHY you fuel your body is essential in how we assimilate nutrients to every organ in our system. Studies have shown that even the healthiest of food eaten under stressful conditions (when the body’s cortisol levels are high) has caused digestive distress in the body. More oftentimes than not you can feel it too! A healthy meal must be eaten in the right state of mind and in the right amount to nourish the system.
Don’t rush your meals or practice consuming any and everything when you’re cold, bored, or upset. Allow your body to work through what you’re feeling. When you have a quiet moment set aside time to nourish and fuel your body in the right way.

2. Learn the Ways in which YOU Love to Move!

Exercise is for all but not every form of exercise suits everyone. For some, running is ideal whilst for others a light walk and stretching do the trick. The one-size-fits-all approach may work initially when starting your fitness journey. Any movement is good movement.

However, as you build a stronger body you build a stronger inclination to what it really needs to feel strong and healthy. Some movements may be too intense for you whilst you breeze through others. No need to feel less capable or unfit. Meet your body where your fitness level is at. Don’t push beyond your limits to match up with anyone.

The only body you have to compare yourself to is the one you are in.
Make movement joyful and fun by customising your exercise to movements you actually enjoy!

3. Give
What is the point of being healthy and enjoying the vitality of life if it is not shared with others? We are naturally social beings. Even the global economy itself depends on a constant flow of give and take. The greatest fulfillment is not only being healthy. It is being healthy enough to contribute to and renew the life of another person. Monetary donations are great, but money is not the only thing we can give.
Give of your time, knowledge, and talents and sometimes just a listening ear will do. Give to as many people as often as you can.

Just a five-minute chat with a stranger can not only change their day but change you a little too. So, make that change today!

4. Get Offline & Outside Often

Someone once said, “We’re unhappy because we’re always happy,”. How true! When we enjoy something, our central nervous system is stimulated and receptors in our brains secrete one of the happy hormones identified as dopamine.

Modern media has been structured to expose our nervous systems to a constant flow of stimulation, to boost our productivity, and always have an on-the-go restless energy.
This is often done through subtle mediums such as radio, shopping centre music, television, Tik Tok videos, Instagram reels, and tweets on our feed.

We are so exposed to so many streams of dopamine stimulators that our receptors tend to be firing all day long. Some may think well that’s a good thing. You see the problem is, dopamine only wants more dopamine.
Unfortunately, the body cannot sustain such a constant high as this without draining itself eventually.

This is why conditions such as burnout, fatigue and extreme exhaustion have become increasingly prevalent in recent times. Essentially, we are exhausted with artificial happiness.

Give your nervous system a rest by disconnecting from the artificial to connect with the real. Set aside time to find peace in nature with friends & family or quiet time with a book. A healthy balance can make all the difference.

5. Embrace Rest
Autumn is a season in which nature is preparing to rest for the winter ahead. The falling leaves indicate nature becoming inert to preserve their seedlings and recuperate during the winter.
We should take a page out of nature’s book in this regard. We are constantly busy, and it takes its toll on us mentally, physically, and emotionally.

As the days get shorter, we should adjust our sleep schedules accordingly. We should wind down our days as the sun goes down.

As far as possible, try not to cram too much into your day, prioritise that which is important and schedule anything else for the next day. Spoil yourself with quality sleep during this change of season.

We hope these few tips will help you and your family stay healthy and happy this autumn. Enjoy the balmy afternoons and crisp mornings and take time to embrace the joys and wonders of nature’s changing colours. Most importantly, take time to be mindful of the earth and how it nourishes us as we take care of it.

At BodiCafé the love of wellness and making it accessible to ALL is what drives us. It is why we do what we do.

Wellness is more than just food. It is a holistic lifestyle aimed at treating everything we absorb (from food to the content we watch, and the TV shows we enjoy) with the utmost consideration for our holistic health first.

BodiCafé aims to provide simple yet healthy lifestyle products, along with sharing informative lifestyle advice to demonstrate just how simple and exciting a healthy lifestyle can be.

Because we believe that everybody deserves to love living LIFE.
Happy Autumn!


Festive Fun – Tips to Enjoy a Plant-based Festive Season

The festive season is here, and the buzz is all about us. As the year winds down into the joyful holiday period we need not drop our healthy lifestyle standards along with it.

  1. Keep Moving

Exercise should remain a standard part of your lifestyle whilst taking time off to enjoy the holidays. Either ease up your exercise routine if you feel the need or switch it up! Try activities you don’t usually have time for. Enjoy hiking with a group of friends, take leisurely evening walks, or try out a new at-home workout for a new challenge.

If you are taking a break from your exercise regime, try to incorporate some light movement throughout the day such as stretches or a short walk every evening. Oftentimes we use excessive exercise as damage control after an overindulgent moment. This puts undue stress on the already strained digestive organs and may do more harm than good.

If we eat moderately and of foods with sufficient nutrient density (a variety of whole, plant-based foods), our body naturally sends us signals to move and keep good circulation so we can absorb the most energy and nutrition from the awesome nutrients we consume. Nourishing your body means more than a diet – it means movement too!

  1. Avoid Overindulgence 

A quick festive note: your body does not know it’s the holidays. Try to adopt the mindset of everything in moderation including moderation this festive season. Do not preempt indulging in that delicious homemade dessert at the Christmas party by restricting your normal food intake now.

Maintain a consistent diet of balanced, high-fibre, wholefood meals that are satisfying and tasty. These will balance your cravings and, when you would like to, enjoy a family-favourite dessert without feeling the need to overindulge.

Hydration is the key to avoiding overindulgence! Drink water 1-2 hours before and after meals to aid digestion and avoid snacking in between meals. Water aids to move the process of digestion gently along whilst promoting satiety and meal satisfaction.

  1. Try New Recipes

Make the most of your free time and try out new healthy festive recipes to create dishes you can enjoy and share with family and friends at get-togethers and parties. This way you gain a new favourite meal and have something to enjoy when out and about. Try to choose recipes that use ingredients you typically use every day so that the dish is not unnecessarily expensive, unfamiliar, and difficult to execute.

BodiCafé offers a host of healthy recipes you can try out for a fun spin on your everyday meals. Make health fun this festive season with our Happy Life Club free recipe blogs!

  1. Maintain Mealtimes

The extra we have on our hands whilst home this festive period often has us reaching for a little more food outside of our usual mealtimes.  While there is nothing wrong with this, try not to overdo it by making snacking a habit and throwing out your usual mealtime schedule entirely.

Respect your body’s hunger cues. Digestion happens best when given enough time to process a meal before having to gear up for the next. To feel your best, eat your best when your body calls for it!

  1. Live Holistically!

Above everything, make sure you enjoy every moment of your plant-based festive period! While food is a part of this lifestyle, making it everything will deduct from its essence: the joy of living holistically and in service of our fellow human beings; this is what it is all about. This is the whole reason we should be healthy, not for our own benefits (of which there are plenty) but for the benefit of the people around us.

Spend time with loved ones and give back to your community this festive season.

BodiCafé aims to provide simple yet healthy lifestyle products, along with sharing informative lifestyle advice to demonstrate just how simple and exciting a healthy lifestyle can be.

We passionately believe that we can assist everyone in making this lifestyle ideal an affordable and practical reality. No gimmicks, just simple, happy, healthy living!

Why not share your knowledge, abilities, and care with someone in need this year?

Everyone deserves health, health is for ALL! So instead of receiving why don’t we give a little more this year?

After all, we already have the greatest gift: enjoying true health and well-being!

 Love your Body, Love Your Life…

Enjoy a happy and festive season the BodiCafé way!

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